Hasbro is making a splash in the 3D community with their My3D Viewer. The $35 device attaches to the front of an iPhone or iPod touch and allows easy viewing of side-by-side 3D imagery.
The technology isn't new (it essentially turns your iPhone into an old-fashioned stereoscope), but the implementation is fantastic. Reviews around the web and on 3D message boards are very positive, and Photoshop templates [join this group if you can't open that link] are already popping up to let you use your own 3D photos with the viewer. Bottom line: It adds full color stereoscopic viewing to your iPhone. And it works.
Hasbro has also release a handful of stereoscopic apps to use with the My3D viewer, free for a limited time.
My3D screenshot, converted to anaglyph
The catch? You have to have a My3D product code (printed on the inside of the viewer) to view them. In a way, this makes good sense. Without the viewer you are simply looking at a parallel stereo pair. Most people would open a My3D app, say "This isn't 3D" and rate it 1 star. And of course the goal is to sell My3D viewers. If I were running the My3D business I would have done the same thing.
But if you're reading this post you're already a step above the casual app store user (and better looking!). So for you, the advanced 3D enthusiast, is a guide to viewing My3D videos without a My3D product code. Please note, if you don't know what to do with a parallel 3D video, there is no point is doing this.
First, this only works on videos, not games.
Second, these instructions are for Mac. [Update: Johan writes in the comments that this also works on Windows. Thanks Johan!]
Third, this only allows access to preview videos and does NOT illegally unlock premium content. This method simply allows you an alternate way to view 3D commercials for My3D content. This may useful if you haven't bought a My3D viewer yet (you are buying one, aren't you?) or if you want to view these videos on a computer monitor.
Got it? OK, here we go.
1. Use iTunes on your computer to download My3D PRESENTS HD
2. Find the App in iTunes. Go to Library > Apps > iPhone and iPod touch Apps
3. Right Click on the My3D app and select Show in Finder
4. A Finder window will pop up with "my3Dpresents 1.0.ipa" highlighted. Copy this file to your desktop.
5. Close the original Finder window.
6. Rename the copied file to "my3Dpresents 1.0.zip"
7. Double click the ZIP file and it will create a folder called "my3Dpresents 1.0"
8. Open this folder and then open the Payload folder
9. Right click on "Hasbro3Dnow_HD" and select Show Package Contents
10. Open the MOV files with your video app of choice.