3D Manifesto explores the exciting world of Stereo-3D photography, as seen through the magical wonder tech of red/cyan 3D glasses. It's mostly a photo gallery, partly a blog, and very rarely updated.

In my non-photo-hobby time I develop video games and VR experiences, independently and for clients. 

Follow me on Twitter for occasional game industry retweets :)

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Smitten 3D

Musician, filmmaker and software developer Jeff Boller (a.k.a Simple Carnival) has posted an entertaining video session from Hack Pittsburgh called Animated 3D Filmmaking (a crash course).

The video is largely a behind the scenes look at Smitten 3D, his self-recorded and self-animated musical film. He takes us through the process of recording music, to creating storyboards, to animation and editing.  

But there's more! To perfect the 3D effect in his film (animated in Anime Studio), he even wrote custom software to handle stereoscopic sync and inter-ocular alignment. 

The image above is from a Smitten 3D segment called Everything That Grownups Know.

Check out the Hack PIttsburgh video on YouTube or visit the Simple Carnival website for a list of all available videos.

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