Image ©2009-2010 sercho05. Click for a printable template to build your own 3D Gizmo.More news from Marketsaw, this time regarding another 80s classic.
Jim writes:
I have very good information from a top source that tells me another GREMLINS movie is coming to the silver screens and it will be in stereoscopic 3D!
Cinemablend adds a few details:
The rumor of an impending Gremlins 3 in 3D comes incredibly early on in the process, which means there’s no cast, no crew, no start date, and no release date anywhere in sight. All we know is that somewhere someone is writing it, it may or may not be Chris Columbus who penned the original, and that Joe Dante will probably not be back to direct.
Cinemablend also notes that Gremlins 3 could see CGI monsters replace the original puppets (boo!), and while my hopes are high, my guess is we'll see an entirely new cast as well - making it more of an animated Gremlins spinoff than an offical entry in the series.
Read more at Marketsaw and Cinemablend.
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