3D Manifesto explores the exciting world of Stereo-3D photography, as seen through the magical wonder tech of red/cyan 3D glasses. It's mostly a photo gallery, partly a blog, and very rarely updated.

In my non-photo-hobby time I develop video games and VR experiences, independently and for clients. 

Follow me on Twitter for occasional game industry retweets :)

Entries in 3DS (1)

Nintendo Announces 3DS

Shown: Nintendo DSi

Set to to be unveiled at E3 2010 in June, Nintendo's DS and DSi successor will feature a glasses-free 3D display (most certainly lenticular), in addition to improved graphics and a motion sensing camera.

As excited as I am about Super Mario 3D, I'm equally excited about using the 3DS as a handheld 3D photo and movie viewer. How well it succeeds at this will depend largely on the resolution of the display.

For comparison, the Fuji W1 3D camera (a very competent handheld viewer) features a 3D LCD with 230,000 pixels (or 115,000 pixels per eye). The current Nintendo DS displays are much lower, at 49,152 pixels.

Boosting graphics and adding 3D both require higher-res screens, but how high will Nintendo go? Historically they've favored innovative ideas over superior tech (DS vs. PSP, Wii vs. PS3 and 360), but this could be a case where they excel in both. Let's hope!

Read more at Kotaku.